Monday, March 24, 2008

Confessions of a Shopaholic!

Hi! I'm so sorry (again) for not writing here in so much time, this time I promise I will write more often in my blog, at least once a week, It's just that I had been to busy with all the exams and homework of the school. But here I am and this time I'm going to talk about a great book I just finish for second time, yes I read this book twice because its kind of the best book I had ever read.
Confessions Of A Shopaholic!! This amazing book is about Rebecca Bloomwood, a finacial reporter who lives in London with her best friend Suze, the thing is that Rebecca love to shop (as all of us:) ) but she buys more that she can pay. I'm not going to tell you anything else because I will ruin you the entire book.
One of the thing I like the most about this book was that is pretty real and have a pretty great end, I have only read the first one :( I have to wait until I travel on summer vacations to get the other four: Shopaholic takes Manhattan, Shopaholic Ties the Knot, Shopaholic and Sister and last but not least Shopaholic and baby.
I'ts my recomendation for you! Hope you read it and enjoy it as much as I did!
P.S: I change the template, hope you like it!

1 comment:

Teen Reader said...

Hey Check out my blog pleasee. J'adore yours!!! =D
xoxo me