Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hmmm How about...

A new blog! I know I´ve had two blogs already, and well none of them is actually a success, even tho I love your comments! But know that I´m starting a new process in my life (university) I feel like I need a new blog, something more demanding and coneccted whit what I will be doing four years from know (election time! lol) actually I will be working and I want to start something related to it, so at the same time I´m learing in university I´m reaserching for cute, fun ideas for my bussines.
I do have an idea of I want to do in the future, you may not know this but my real passion is party planning, I love parties, not night-crazy parties, more like home made parties with tons of cute decorations, lovely food and cozy feeling:) just love them. So I will make a blog with party inspiration boards, and the eventual recipe and life experiences on that field. I will continue to talk about random things in my life in this blog, and probably be closing Livin the Martha Style..I think I´m still to dependent to make a blog like that one. I hope you like my new blog, in not done yet, I have a lot of reasearch to do, but be posting any update here. And just for know I have prom pics! well actually like one, cuz the fotographer hasn´t come to my house yet:S.
Laura & me!


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Talking About Over Reacting...

So, you already read my thougths about the elections, and yes a week later I still not over with that subject. Although, my dear dear elect president leave the country on friday, to go to some meeting and stuff so nothing new there. But this was a great week, lots of interviews and lots of news:).
The best thing to be totally honest, well besides the part that I love them (first family), is the number of insults I could return. I know that sound weird, let me explain it, the fact is that my candidate JMS, comes from well a rich family, off course he is rich, his family used to own the most important newspaper in my country; but still he choose to serve tha country being a minister and working on politics. While being in the minestery (?) he plan the rescue of several hostages of the terrorists and other important things, but people in my country are well not the most gratefull so instead of going for him they were going for other candidate (I already explain the 9 candidate thing). Suddenly one of the candidates started to win all the surveys and everyone was sudddenly voting for him, for AM. My cousin, almost my second brother and my brother´s best friend were going for him. I have to confess that due to all the IB work I missed all this "media fenomenum", cuz when we didn´t know if could vote for our current president or not (re-election, a wholee new subject) I was making a math project about political surveys and results. I hated that project, I quit that project, I changed the subject of that project. So my information was based in like the first survey, and off course I wasn´t worried, cuz I was refusing the fact that we have elections, I love my current president so much that I didn´t want him to leave, so I just ingnored everything about elections and continued my school work. And then the referendum, that will allow our president another 4 years, went down. My family had who will be the choosen, the one that will get our votes (well I can´t vote actually, I turn 18, 3 days after the second round)and I just again ignored everything. Until april? I think. When my cousin asked me who was getting my parents votes, and I respond JMS I guess, and he and his family told my I was out, yes you are rigth Out!, he show me a few comercials about AM and suddenly I realize he was winning in almost every survey. How on earth this just happened? he was a crazy man, who ok, was a great city major but the last presidential elections he run, and make it a completly joke, for real. And well even when he is intelligent, he wasn´t ready, he is not ready and his debate performance was poor. I never changed my mind about my candidate, I never follow the fashion, the cute sunflower with well done green names, the lovely campaign AM had. Instead I choose JMS, the candidate, not the campaign cuz at the end you are voting for a person not for a campaing. I suppor him and his campaing, a not so flatering orange color with a simple design (I later learn that the color was choosen by him and his wife!!) I changed my backpack and use an orange one with orange scarf and his political pin. Then they changed the campaign to make it a little more familiar, with his name instead of last name but it was fine I keep my pin and backpack, people will still know JMS was my candidate, I had a pin with his last name on my backpack and have bits and pieces of both campaigns.
The thing is, that even when JMS was having a great debate performance and no apparent mistakes (like saying we will take our president to court in Ecuador, long story) he was going down in the surveys and well my cousin was taking advantage of this, he was making me feel like I was stupid, cuz my candidate was losing, cuz his candidate "will be the next president" and I "will recive green cupcakes with sunflowers for the victory", I spend about a month defending myself and my candidate, I was clear in my desition an even when I couldnt vote is still my country and I was worried about it. Almost everyone who was going for AM was mean to me, I can assure you that I wasn´t mean with them, I know I supported a great candidate with a great family and policy. People were so mean thinking they already had won the elections, they were really mean with me. They were thinking they were the winners and were saying they will win in first round so they thougth they could treat evryone as losers, as stupids and they did. Every time I posted something on FB they were there, making mean comments. Every time I said something, they were there making me feel like I was nothing. But I was sure of my candidate, he is prepared and I can´t tell you he is perfect cuz he´s not, but he knows the country and knows that security is a major issue here. Almost all my "green" friends were mean to me at some point or another, maybe they didn´t do it on pourpuse, or they don´t understand that this was important for me and that I choose the candidate not because he was winning, not because he is rich, but because he can do it, he had prove me and my country he can. All of my friends were thinking he was going to lose, they think the fact his candidate was on the top of the surveys make him the next president, and that that gives them the rigth to be mean with me or any other JMS follower. Well, they were wrong! First round come and they lost! and not by a little, by a lot!!! I was thrilled! However they were refusing it, you can´t imagine the speech made by AM the day of the first round, he was singing, saying that he was the only honest there, saying they had won. Among the three weeks in between the rounds they were still saying they were winning the second round and again they were wrong! almost every political party join my candidate during those three weeks and again we won!! By a lot (you already know the numbers) So I spend my week writing back, responding old mean comments with the truth. And making them know that their so called "green wave" wasn´t that big, letting them know that the elections are not a FB popularity contest, letting them know that we won.
Ok I realize this post is longer that I expected, sorry I just lovee politics! and I love the fact that we WON! I´m just hoping he will do a great job. I know he will try and give us the best!
Sorry if I bored you with all this politic subject. Next time I will try to keep it politics-free! lol:) Ohh you know what? Maybe next time I will post some Cancun and prom pics!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Lots of things had been going on here...

So, I´m officially a graduate girl! the ceremony took place in my lovely school last thursday, I read the speech (I write it two:)) and it was amazing. After 14 years of being there, there were no worlds to thank all the people who was with me througth the process, as you migth now I lovee that school and leaving it was a huge step for me. However I think the stage is completed and making the speech was definetly the best way to end the road. After that we headed a local restaurant for celebrate with family and friends, so many gifts (omg, that´s a holee new subject) and well a great night chatting with most of people that mean something for me, it was just perfect.
Off course before of this perfect day, I had the grade trip (to Cancun, Mexico) lots of party going on and beautiful places, I´m not the most party girl in the world but I did my best, and even when the trip was...let´s say different for what I expected it was fine, I become more close to some of my friends and discover things about other girls. It was fine. Then the prom! I was so exited, unfurtunatly I was sick:S from Cancun:S but I went with a lovely pink puffy costum made dress I love and pink satin peep toe with a bow shoes:) Lovely, it was one of the best nigths of my life, I party a lot, and had a great time with my family and close friends.
I can´t believe is all over, is sad and exiting at the same time, life is just beginig for me and I´m exited and scared. I have faith that my dreams will come true.
Well, now changing the subject, yesterday were the elections in my country, I´m not sure if you know this about me, but I looove politics, I´m not studying politics cuz I would be a bad politician I just know that, but I looooooooove politics. So the thing was rather simple, about three weeks ago we had a first round with 9 candidates, I was supporting one of them of course since the beging of the campaing and I love him:) anyway all the surveys said that he will be second, and the fisrt one will be this character, well he was my city´s mayor and was a great mayor but wasn´t ready for being the president of my country. My country is a difficult country, I love it but is truth, we have internal and external issues and let´s face it, being a mayor 1 and 1/2 times (yes, a half cuz he quited the second time) doesn´t prepare you to be president of a country. My candidate was a minister, three times, each one of different ministeries (that´s how you write it? idk) and I´m not saying he is perfect for the job, but he is prepared. So in may 30 we had our first round and surprisingly we WON! like with 46% of votes against 21% with the mayor guy AM, I was really happy! like REALLY happy! tons of friends and family had been mean with me, because thay were thinking they were going to win in the first round, and truth to be told they lost, and not for a bit, for a LOT! but Colombian laws said that if none of the candidates have more that 50% of the votes, we have to have a second round, so with 7 candidates less, the campaing continue three more weeks, one of them I was in Mexico so I didn´t hear much about it (and believe me I miss it)and the next two were rather calm. The day of my graduation was a debate wich I hear on the radio (not all tho). My candidate is great taking:) unfurtunatley he had to defend his self about tons of topics of past goverments, cuz people is mean and blame him, poor thing. Anyway, I figth a little bit in my graduation celebration cuz some of my invites suppor the other guy and I have very strong views and arguments, as I said before I loooove politics so every single piece of news about elections or candidates I had read it or hear about it. Anyway elections were yesterday and I was sacred, a lot of people didn´t vote (is not obligatory in my country) so I was scared that part of that 46% had convince themselfs that we had already won, while the 21% had convinced more people to vote or the ones that didn´t vote went and vote. Whichever the result was I really wanted to go to the celebration of my candidate JMS, it was like in the city stadium and I saw the invitation on his webpage, so my mom (so sweet) took me there with my grandmother:) (three generations supporting JMS!) when we were leaving we heard in the news that my candidate had already WON! they were counting votes, by the time half of the tables were counted and even if AM get all the remaining votes my candidate was still the winner. So we hurry up and headed to the stadium to celebrate! It was great, I loooove my candidate and his family, omg his wife is sooo cute! you have to see pictures of her, she´s like the perfect first lady! and I´m proud of him! I heard his entire speech watching him close to me (ok, not that close, but close enougth) I´m really really happy!! I have faith that his goverment will be as good as tha one of our current president!:D Here´s a pic:) cuz I just love them, so our NEW president is the one in the middle, his wife is in his left (our rigth)and so are his sons (and daugther) and in his rigth (our left) is the vicepresident and his family. I know is not the most clear pic but you get the idea.

Soooo you migth see that the past weekend was full of emotions and thougths for me, I just hope I didn´t bore you with this long long post
P.S: I forgot to tell you, we won 69% against 27%!! Lovely!

Friday, May 28, 2010

I Love Family Blogs

Hi there! Remmember me? I´m actually the blogger! lol.
Today I have a confession to make, I Love Family Blogs! you know, those blogs that show you the entire family progress and usually really cute baby pictures, a lot of this blogs are written by stay-at-home moms that told us, day to day how their lifes are. I know it sounds a little boring, I mean come on! reading about people's life, and unknown people´s life? yes I know it sound crazy, but I love them.
I lvoe to read about happy moms, with happy kids. No they don´t have perfect lifes, they are just happy with their lifes and took awesome and cute pictures of them. Stalker much? I know! But the thing is I think is destiny, I mean I just found one blog by clicking "next blog" on my "Living the Martha Style" blog, and I continue clicking "next blog" and continue discovering this amaizing world full of happy mommies!! Is wonderfull:)
Sometimes I just read the entire story of a family, you know most of their posting history and make about a comment or two, the truth is that by reading those blogs, each day I just know I meant to be a mom. Every time I see a picture of a lovely baby I know I want that, I can do that. Unfurtunatly I´m a boyfriend-less girl:(, young I know (just graduating for school) but desperate to have a family on my own.
Anyways, I highly recommend this family blogs, they show you how life can be, and how happy can you be with your normal life, happy and proud. What can I tell, I just love them!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I hate IB!

Hi there! This last few weeks had been the worst of my entire school life, I entire hate IB, the tons of work we have to do is just insane! and actually it have me wishing for my graduation day, instead of enjoying my last moments in school.
I'm pissed cuz I have really a lot of work and I feel like a falier, just because every teacher seem to think we are not able to do it, I'm thinking that nobody believes in my, and I'm not believing in my at all, Idk I'm just confused, sometimes I feel like the best thing to do is to quit but then I reconsider and think that the worst part is almost done, I already summit my extended essay, my TOK essay and my spanish essays. But there is still a lot of work to do and I'm freaking tired of this, plus I don't know if the university I like actually cares about Ib.
IDK I just make this post to let my feeling out for a time, instead of crying as usual!
I just hate IB!!! I´m counting the days till my prom and trip.
Totally Pinkaholic

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Project!

Hi there! So my new project is finally here, I'm keeping this blog for more personal post and stuff and making a new one for my project. The project name is Living the martha style! and as you imagine is abou Martha Stewart! YAY! I totally love Martha so I'm going to use her recipes and crafts and things to make my everyday living, everytime I have a birthday or a holiday or just feel like it I'll go to Martha and find something to do her way.
I hope you enjoy it as much as me

PS: Here is the link