Saturday, February 21, 2009

No me time for now!

So today I had to go to school, yes today Saturday! cuz I had to go to the rehersal of the play but noone show up, just like 7 girls, so we make the backround and stuff, at 2p.m I leave!
So this week wasn't as bad as the last one, I was so stressed my school is totally mad, last saturday I had to go to school to do a Chemestry/Bio work and I have to do an hour walk in the mountain behind my school, I was close to sue my own school cuz it was unfair! a saturday at 8a.m I was walking up the mountain! argg! besides that I had like a ton of work I have to do a project for art and rehersal on sunday so I cry a bit:).
This week was better I get my daphne outfit and no to much homework exept for the math thing I still have to do:S but is better! I just hope everything worth it!
Sorry for the boring and shor post!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Home, sweet home!

So the week is over, finally! it's been an interesting week, my first full week since I started school on january, anyway monday was a perfectly normal dat, then on tuesday we visit this university fair, in wich every university on my city have a stand and show you their careers and everything, it was kind of cool, and since I dind't have to wear my unifrm I wear a pair of jeans, pale pink high heels, a white shirt and on top a pale pink sweater (my city is pretty cold), a long pearl necklace and my hot pink designer tote bag ( I haven't told you!! I bougth it! remmemember?), then on wednesday I have to stay at the school up to 4:30 (on wednesday I finish school at 1:40) to a Extened essay metting, in wich teachers talk us about the subjects and stuff, boring!, then thursday a common day and today OMG today!, so in my country there is this like traditin in which 11th graders have a jacket with the name of the school and prom year, (I will show you later) and the man who makes them goes today to show us jacket and hoodie options, that was cool but the I was on my T.O.K class when the fire alarm sound, I was pretty scared, I have been in my school for 12 years and nevere ever, had been a real fire alarm, but today it was real!, the thing was that in the chemestry lab there was this gas scape and something happened and suddenly it was like a huge flame in the lab, with my teacher (Who I looove) inside trying to close the gas thing. My T.O.K teacher is in my school's emergency team so we took the class list and went outside, It was so scary, 9th grades were on the lab, and it really could be me, I've been doing a lab this week! Gosh really I'm still shocked.
So in other thisngs I have to do this school play, in which I'm going to be Daphne from Scooby Doo! totally me! and I love my character but I've staying after school in the school theater for rehearsal, but my grade is soo desorganize that we haven't do anything yet! and I'm desperate! so I stay today, but I stay with Laura talking about childhood because we were friends when we were on second grade, and also talking about our extended essays, so it was fine, but I spend my friday afternoon doing that!
Anyway is all for now, I think I would have a bubble bath and then watch a movie or something!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sunday afternoons depress me!

Sorry I haven'r post in a while I've been kind of busy and really there is nothing really important to talk about, just normal school days, sad days, bad grades, good days, perfect grades.
The truth is that I have ups and downs with school and normally my ups don't get my downs, is wreid, tomorrow starts a new bimester in wich I have to have perfect grades! and is my propuse and I'm doing it!
Apart for school nothing interesting in my life as I say normal and boring school days, homework and more homework, at leats I'm having a great time with my best friend!!
Sorry for the boring and short post!! I'm not inspired, I just want you to know I haven't forget my blog!