Friday, May 28, 2010

I Love Family Blogs

Hi there! Remmember me? I´m actually the blogger! lol.
Today I have a confession to make, I Love Family Blogs! you know, those blogs that show you the entire family progress and usually really cute baby pictures, a lot of this blogs are written by stay-at-home moms that told us, day to day how their lifes are. I know it sounds a little boring, I mean come on! reading about people's life, and unknown people´s life? yes I know it sound crazy, but I love them.
I lvoe to read about happy moms, with happy kids. No they don´t have perfect lifes, they are just happy with their lifes and took awesome and cute pictures of them. Stalker much? I know! But the thing is I think is destiny, I mean I just found one blog by clicking "next blog" on my "Living the Martha Style" blog, and I continue clicking "next blog" and continue discovering this amaizing world full of happy mommies!! Is wonderfull:)
Sometimes I just read the entire story of a family, you know most of their posting history and make about a comment or two, the truth is that by reading those blogs, each day I just know I meant to be a mom. Every time I see a picture of a lovely baby I know I want that, I can do that. Unfurtunatly I´m a boyfriend-less girl:(, young I know (just graduating for school) but desperate to have a family on my own.
Anyways, I highly recommend this family blogs, they show you how life can be, and how happy can you be with your normal life, happy and proud. What can I tell, I just love them!

1 comment:

Gossip said...

Hey girl, I know I havent post for a while, remember I was busy with college?, well, Im learning french now and it is drouning my life lol. I loved your post!, how seet!.
Love, Gossip